Simon posted an intriguing image on his blog this morning. He called it a blank page, but you can see it is far from blank.
It is a canvas. Perhaps a field with metes and bounds to be surveyed or transgressed or preyed upon in witless play?
It is a Mondrian above. Or maybe it is an Instagram image below.
Or a commonplace sampler for the grand vision of James Carse?
All of this began in Twitter where so much play often does in my community. I don’t think of Twitter as a red light district of window commerce as some have colorfully suggested. I don’t think it matters much what Twitter is so long as the fieldwalk that it represents carries on Carse’s infinite game.
It could be a comic.
It could be a hyperlink wormhole.
It could be a t-shirt.
It could be a parable or a tryptich or lyric or a fable.