A recent encounter on Twitter:
My daily posting is from a list of #NWP teachers with innovative digital writing pedagogies. The hashtags are culled from their tweets.
— Peter Kittle (@pkittle) August 10, 2017
I really missed Peter Kittle on #CLMOOC. Of course I thought of the closing scene from the incomparable Western, Shane.
I used the GifIt function on YouTube to create a gif clip.
Then I followed with an online tool you might not know–EZGIF. It is so easy to add captions.
And just for fun I converted the original into the “new” animated png (APNG) format.
A couple of added benefits of using a tool like this. You can really appreciate the cinematography in Shane especially in the shot-by-shot look in EZGIF. Second, there are lots of pro tips for tweaking and optimizing your gif. Have fun.